Monday, October 22, 2018

Strip Stock

This is from a series of poems I wrote about the intersection of desire and business.

Ceci est extrait d'une série de poèmes que j'ai écrits sur l'intersection du désir et des affaires.

 Questo è da una serie di poesie che ho scritto sull'intersezione tra desiderio e affari.

Esto es de una serie de poemas que escribí sobre la intersección del deseo y el negocio.

Dies ist aus einer Reihe von Gedichten, die ich über die Schnittmenge von Wunsch und Geschäft geschrieben habe.

이것은 내가 욕망과 사업의 교차점에 관해 쓴 일련의시에서 온 것입니다.

Это из серии стихов, которые я написал о пересечении желания и бизнеса.




STRIP STOCK 1 (excerpt -- first published in Former People)

Calm has returned
To the goldest of streets,
And at lunchtime
When the exchange is half empty
There's a club
Where the stout men go.

They go for the show
Of the pretty, lean girls
And they drink in their bodies
While nursing tart beer.

And all through the darkness
Of the underlit club
Business boys are glowing
As the girls spread butter
On their tawny brown legs....


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